Having someone such as a Listening Buddy, to be a point of contact within the workplace would enable the identification of staff who are in need of support. These Listening Buddies would need to have an understanding of common mental health issues and of the support services available. As they may be the first point of contact for employees, these Listening Buddies would also need to be aware of effective communication strategies, de-escalation techniques, confidentiality issues and other topics which are covered in the itinerary below.
This one-day bespoke programme will be given to participants who have already attended the Mental Health Awareness and Mental Health First Aid course delivered by ParamedicsuRus.com. The day will be delivered online using Live Zoom in order to decrease the transmission risk of COVID-19.
The day will be delivered by specialist staff, who will use various teaching methods including question and answer sessions, live polls, group discussions, small group work, PowerPoint presentations and more. A suggested itinerary follows:
09:00 – 09:15 hrs Welcome, registration, sensitivities & Chatham house rules (a rule or principle according to which information disclosed during a meeting may be reported by those present, but the source of that information may not be explicitly or implicitly identified). During this session participants will be asked to complete a Microsoft form registration document as proof of attendance for their employer.
09:15 – 12:00hrs (breaks included) An introduction to essential talking strategies and the use of appropriate phrases. De-escalating strategies, how to approach and engage, how to manage stigma and how to create safe, welcoming, confidential environments.
12:00 – 12:45hrs Lunch
12:45 – 16:00hrs (breaks included) An introduction to the structure and background of how mental health services can help. Guidance upon how to offer support. Signposting processes towards the Employee Assistance Programme within Welsh Government, along with additional signposting processes to external support systems.
16:00 – 16:30hrs An online multiple choice question paper will be given to assess and reinforce knowledge of the topics taught throughout the day. Following this, online course evaluations will be completed, and attendance certificates emailed to participants.
In addition to certification, participants will be given tailor made infographics which can be put up in the workplace to allow others to understand the role of the Listening Buddies and how they can be reached. Participants will also receive contact lists of local support services, as well as quick reference cards to refresh taught knowledge.
It is recommended that Listening Buddies attend additional mental health mentorship and guidance sessions for one day every 6 months. These sessions would allow the Listening Buddies to come together and discuss their experiences with mental health experts. During these additional mentorship and guidance sessions updates will be provided, scenarios delivered and participants will have the opportunity to revisit de-escalation strategies and other essential skills. All of this would be conducted live over Zoom in a safe environment and in a confidential manner.
This course is specifically designed for the accepting organisation.
Teaching will be led by a registered Mental Health Nurse who has extensive experience working within secure mental health facilities in Wales. Supporting will be the Director of PRU Medical, a registered Paramedic with a particular interest in the prevention of suicide. Both staff are also employed in the Higher Education sector, teaching their specialist subjects to a professional standard. Therefore, the educational experience provided will be first class.